ayurveda and intermittent fasting : a harmonious approach to health
20 Aug 2024
2 mins

Dr. Arpitha Bhat
Ayurveda @ Lavi
intermittent fasting is recognised in contemporary systems of medicine for its advantages like weight loss and enhanced metabolic health. interestingly, this practice is not new; it has been a fundamental aspect of Ayurveda. ayurveda has supported periodic fasting to achieve balance in the sharira (body), manas (mind) and atma(soul).
in Ayurveda, intermittent fasting is not only a dietary regimen but also a holistic approach to health. according to Ayurveda, health is maintained through the balance of three doshas : vata, pitta and kapha. imbalance in these doshas can cause illness by accumulation of ama(toxins). fasting when done properly helps to restore the balance in the dosha by eliminating the accumulated ama(toxins).
the concept of fasting aligns with the concept of dinacharya (daily regimens) , ritucharya (seasonal regimen), prakriti (individual body constitution) and vikriti (current state of health).
for example, a person with kapha prakriti should fast more frequently than the person with vata prakriti because kapha prakriti people tend more towards heaviness and sluggishness whereas vata prakriti people are more prone to dryness.
the classical ayurvedic text books like Charaka Samhitha by Acharya Charaka and Aashtanga Hrudaya by Acharya Vaghbata state the importance of fasting. it suggests that periodic fasting helps to kindle the agni (digestive fire) and remove the accumulated ama (toxins) from the body. it also states that fasting, when done properly can enhance mental clarity, physical health and promote longevity.
modern scientific research supports Ayurveda’s concept of intermittent fasting. studies indicate that intermittent fasting improves gut health, boosts metabolism, improves insulin sensitivity, supports weight management, and reduces inflammation.
in conclusion, following intermittent fasting with proper guidance can help to achieve dosha balance and improve metabolism. by integrating Ayurveda and contemporary science, one can achieve well-being.
if you want to know more about intermittent fasting and have queries if IF is suitable for you and what you should consume during the eating window, Ayurveda and nutrition science experts at Làvi can help you and provide personalized guidance to support your health journey.
you can schedule a free consultation at - https://www.lavi.one/book-schedule
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